Pinned“Unlock the Magic of Rust: Mastering if-let, while-let, and let-else with Fun and Engaging…As we delve into the magical world of `if-let`, `while-let`, and `let-else`, we’ll discover the power and elegance of Rust’s pattern…Apr 8, 2023Apr 8, 2023
PinnedConcurrency In Python Made Simple:Concurrency can be thought of as multiple things happening at the same time.Jan 12, 2023Jan 12, 2023
PinnedGo Context Can Save your timeThe context package in Go is a package that provides a way to carry around request-scoped values, cancelation signals, and deadlines across…Dec 17, 20221Dec 17, 20221
PinnedInterfaces in go is so powerfulIn Go, an interface is a collection of method signatures that define a set of behaviours that a type must implement to be considered…Dec 18, 2022Dec 18, 2022
PinnedHandle Errors In Go Like A Pro.Error handling is an important aspect of any software development process, and Go provides a few different ways to handle errors in your…Jan 10, 20233Jan 10, 20233
Debug or Be Doomed: How Errors Nearly Sparked World War IIIIn September 26, 1983, in the dead of night, sirens went out at a Soviet nuclear early warning facility. Five intercontinental ballistic…Jul 15, 2024Jul 15, 2024
Proxmox: The Master Chef of VirtualizationThe ultimate purpose of Proxmox, an open-source server virtualization management software platform, is to simplify the process of creating…May 17, 2024May 17, 2024
From Data to Dish: Cooking Up Success with MongoDBDevelopers are the chefs and data is our ingredient. With MongoDB’s flexibility and power as our tools, we will be creating great digital…Feb 18, 2024Feb 18, 2024
Serving Tasks Efficiently: Understanding P-Limit In JavascriptYou are at a busy restaurant. There’s just so many tables available, and there’s a large queue of people wanting to be seated. The people…Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
JavaScript Under the Hood: `Promise.race`Imagine entering your preferred eatery, where two cooks are in a competition to serve you the fastest. Although they are both talented and…Oct 16, 2023Oct 16, 2023
Published inAI MindRust-aurant Recipes: Art of Error Handling in RustImagine yourself chopping, frying, and boiling with the accuracy of a Michelin star chef as you prepare dinner for your guests. The…Jul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023
Macros: The Hidden Power of Code EfficiencyIn programming, simplicity and efficiency are frequently the main objectives. Macros serve a similar function as ordering “the usual” at a…Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
🏎️ Golang: Thwarting Race Conditions with Deliberate Design 🏁“Concurrency is not the same as parallelism.” — Rob Pike, one of the Go language’s developers. Race conditions have become increasingly…May 29, 2023May 29, 2023
Mastering Memory: The Art of Memory Management and Garbage Collection in GoMemory management in the hectic world of programming frequently resembles managing a busy, always-open restaurant. The constant demand for…May 13, 2023May 13, 2023
Effortless Scaling and Deployment: A Comprehensive Guide for Solo Developers and Time-SaversThis article is designed for you if you value producing high-performance applications quickly and effectively, without the hassle of…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
Simplifying Strategy Pattern with 3 Golang examplesThe strategy pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an algorithm to be selected at runtime. It is especially useful when you…Apr 16, 2023Apr 16, 2023
Effortlessly Tame Concurrency in Golang: A Deep Dive into Worker PoolsConcurrency is a powerful Golang feature that allows developers to efficiently manage multiple tasks at the same time. The implementation…Apr 14, 20233Apr 14, 20233
Unlocking the Power of Closures in Rust: Closures in rust are different and powerfulClosures are a powerful Rust feature that allows functions to capture their surroundings. Understanding closures as a professional…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
Unlocking Rust’s Power: A Deep Dive into Associated Functions & MethodsRust is an expressive and powerful programming language known for its emphasis on safety, performance, and concurrency. Its ability to…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
A Comprehensive Guide to Docker VolumesDocker volumes are an essential feature for managing and persisting data in Docker containers. Volumes allow users to store data outside of…Apr 5, 2023Apr 5, 2023